Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Want Out Of This Marriage!

Have you found yourself saying - "I Want Out Of This Marriage!" - "The Love is GONE!" - "In Fact -I HATE YOU!"

What are our relationships coming to? -No lets refine that, what are our marriages coming to? -I have a few friends males and females who are married and seem to be living in.... in.....another world of reasoning. I don't wanna judge here, but understand. Why are we falling out of love with our mates. -Oh well I know they can be some real pain in the ass, self-centered, inconsiderate, ass-holes, but how do we not LOVE them anymore? How do we not care about them? How do we wish they would never return home?

I can understand if we're getting our behinds kick, and our heads bashed in, no one should be physically or mentally abused. Now if we are not being abused by the hand or the mouth, what the hell are the other issues?
  • Lack of sex?
  • Dick too small?
  • She's not a freak, or can't suck dick?
  • He don't eat pussy?
  • He's old fashion?
  • He / She is a whore?
  • They don't like kids?
  • They only have love for the children?
  • They don't keep a clean home?
  • Can't cook?
  • They're fat?
  • They're don't have no ass?
  • They fart in their sleep?
  • They leave stains in their underwear?
  • My family hates them?
  • I hate their family?
  • The kids belongs to someone else?
  • I never love them from the beginning!

What are the issues we're having with getting along, and loving our spouse? Now y'all know I keeps it real, and I don't mind putting it out there. I used to have this girlfriend who FUCK! -and she knew it. She thought her shit was so good and I was so wrapped up into her, that she actually had the nerves to tell me, "this dick is mine, and I don't want you to give it to no one else, not even your wife..."

Well I looked at her strangely, got dress, and didn't answer her, and like with every woman, she wanted to know what the hell was I thinking about her remark, and if you know know I kept it real, I mean she had the bomb ass pussy, you feel me. So I told her....
"If you don't want me fucking no one else, that's cool, and I won't. -But my wife will get all that she wants, when she wants it, and how she wants it, because it belongs to her...."

Well yes that was the last time I seen that piece of ass, but did she really think I was going to comply with that statement? -Would you? Tell me how many of you have heard this and live up to it? -Tell the truth because the shit is very common, and a man will tell a woman this shit on every heartbeat. -Hell my wife heard from her lovers "you can't fuck your husband if you're fucking me..."

My point is, are we loving, or lusting for something other than what we have?
Now to love or lust does not have to be another person, it could be your Job, your friends, your FREEDOM.

I have friends who are undergoing separations for so many reasons that can be fixed. I ask you "have our hearts harden that much we no longer seek God's way?"

Are you looking to get out because it's easier to leave, than to love? -And if so then was your love just a lie?

Or did we get ourselves into something, and gave up too much of ourselves at the beginning and now we feel it's too far down the road to claim it all back, unless we leave?

1. This situation can be worked out if you still have love in your heart for this person. If it's too hard to sit and talk about it, then you need counseling. -Men are the hardest animals to convince this is a needed solution. For one we (I'm included) don't want some outsider coming into my personal space and then judge every damn thing, and worst, I have to pay them to do it! -But you must find a way to convince him it's the right thing to do, to maintain a stable relationship between the both of you.

2. Not getting enough sex? Or they don't do it right? -It can be worked out if you still have love for this person. You need to talk to your partner. Let me say this once, "Fuck their damn ego!" Unless you already created a monster. -Like...Because you have been so afraid to mention it over the years, you don't know how to break it to them. If you're not too frustrated the words that will usually work are, "I was read this article, and I wanna try...." Make sure you can find the supporting documents, just in case the people you have like to check stuff out for themselves.

3. What are some good ways to avoid psychical abuse? Family and friends. Abusers love to isolate their prey. If you're just starting to date someone, learn this important rule: never separate yourself from family, or friends. This goes for men also. Closing your doors to the outside world does not help someone with their insecurities, it supports their behavior. Notice the word BEHAVIOR. This person is not emotionally sound. -If you have family, keep the men close (if you're a woman, and vesa, versa if you're a man), because family will usually protect family. Well most of the time.

But if you're being abused it's not going to be easy to get from under the conditions that's there. A lot of people don't understand the conditions and obstacles another person face when they are being abused. -I don't support abuse, and will never tell you to stay and work it out. Hell No. Get out of that situation. If you have no money, which is on of the traits for control. You need to find someone you can trust or have a very good hiding place, so you can start saving change. Find or contact some National Abuse Centers, like Rainn. Never keep this info in the house, read it and destroy it. Find out about your legal options, but please don't that the police will help you. They have laws they must follow, and protection orders don't stop the crazies. Take pictures of yourself after each attack. It would be good to document, this stuff, but on the same token it can play against you, because people don't understand why you would continue to live like that. -I have listen to so much women in abusive marriages, and getting out is so damn hard, especially with you're broken.

Whatever other issues besides abuse, lets see if we can find a remedy for it instead of divorce. Post your problems or solutions.


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