Tuesday, May 6, 2008

If I can't have her - Man to Man

Last week I was watching the news, and they brought on this mother and her daughter. Nice chocolate peoples. The mother was pretty. I'll give it to her, she was a cutie and had it going on. The little girl, her daughter wasn't too bad, but she had some disfiguring in the face and all. Now I'm going to keep this real. This child was shot three times as she shield her from the bullets, and was shot by her mother's EX-boyfriend.

Now I hear about craze boyfriends going off the deep end all the time here in the big city, and I'm sure it happens almost every other day some guy is blowing his woman, or ex-woman away. But I got pissed when I look at the little girl who had to battle and learn to walk again, to talk again, and under go so many operations. I wish I could find the article for you to read it for yourself.

What.....What I really want to ask is....."How f*** up in the mind we?"
This man shot this 4 or 5 year old little girl because he was about to shoot and kill his ex-girlfriend. He was arrested stating, that he couldn't have her, no one will.

I don't know how many brothers out there feel this way, but if you do, or ever did.......Go find some help. You have not matured enough to handle a relationship. Love can make you do some things you would never conceder, but murder should never be on list. If you love her, then love her enough to respect her wishes. Love her enough to respect the rights God gave to her.

If you can't handle separation, than you should never hook up. Yo, just keep some money in your pocket and buy a piece of butt, and switch up this way you don't get fixated on no one woman. Better yet, get some help.

I'm not trying to be funny here, but for real. If you have issues like this one, let me be the first to tell ya, you acting like a self-centered child and your attitude needs to be checked.


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