Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Man to Man - A lesson I taught to my son

Man to Man - A lesson I taught to my son

A couple of years back, my son picked up this habit of calling females bitches and hoes, and he was beginning to show very little respect for his counter part. How I addressed this issue I'll leave for another day. This attitude he picked up came from where most men do their pick-ups, from other fucked up men.

Now my son and his friends was hating on this one young lady and women in general, because this fucked up bitch got pregnant by one of his boys and he didn't like the bitch, she was just a booty call, she's trying to trap him, she's a hoe, and so on, and so on.

I sat him and a few of his boys down to talk about this: I asked them what did they think about their boy who got this girl locked up. Well he was cool and the whole nine. Then I told them what I think and that was that their boy was showed lack of character, was irresponsible, showed lack of judgment, was still a child in maturity because he to be accountable.

The Lesson: Protect your seed

I told these young men, to never lay with any woman they are not ready to marry and spend the rest of their lives with.

1. What does it say about you when you choose to lay down and fuck a bitch or a hoe?

2. What does it say about you choose to plant your seeds into the bitch, or hoe, or drama Queen?

3. How can you give your seed to someone you care nothing for? -And at what point will you accept resonsibility and become accountable?

All of this thinking should have been done long before your dick got hard. You have to think enough about the value of your seeds, and children, and to whom you give them to. If you're not ready to live with this woman for the rest of your life then why would you invite her into your world and give her your gems. You will be bonded to this woman for life, or for as long as YOUR child lives. So make the right choice, but as with any choice be a man and stand by it.

Don't say, "I'm a young man who make a mistake and got his low down bitch pregnant." You should say, "I'm the mother fuckin' nasty low down bastard the got this fucked up, low life bitch locked up with a fuckin' puppy."

I'm just keepin' it real, I've never fucked a woman and laid my seeds within her if I wasn't ready to spend my life with her, because that would have been the result of it.

I'm happy to say they listen, and they're now making better choices. Glory be to God..

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